Rising Above Substance Abuse and HIV Ministry

Rising Above is a substance abuse, HIV/AIDS  counseling, support group and referral program geared towards providing viable avenues that will enable abusers and HIV victims to seek resources that will help in the improvement of their lives. Rising Above was organized to address the substance abuse and HIV/AIDS population in the Fourth Ward of Paterson, New Jersey; however, all who are in need of assistance are invited to attend our meetings.

The groups were established in order:

  • To assist substance abusers to breakout of destructive styles of abuse.
  • To assist in building a productive and safe community by developing productive individuals.
  • To provide an atmosphere of caring and sharing for abusers and HIV/AIDS victims.
  • To educate community and families on drug and alcohol prevention and the negative affects they cause.
  • To encourage a positive attitude of self worth.
  • To instill a sense of spiritual awareness and growth.
  • To provide information for self-sufficiency (employment, education, residency).


CONFIDENTIALITY is of the utmost importance for everyone!