Rev. Janet Sims, Director
The Help Ministries of Second Baptist Church ensure the comfort, hospitality, warmth, and welcoming of our corporate operations.
The Combined Usher Board is committed to making all feel welcomed and valued when they enter our church. Additionally, it is their goal to enhance each congregant’s worship experience by maintaining an environment free from interruptions while striving to be hospitable in every manner to all worshipers.
The Healing Hands Ministry is a group of Christian ladies who provide medical and First Aid assistance during worship services seeking the guidance of the spirit of God as they minister.
The Hospitality Ministry assists the usher board with welcoming worshipers at all worship services. Also, this ministry is in charge of providing refreshments for the church body on special occasions.
The Marriage Enrichment Ministry provides opportunities for married couples to fellowship as a group while rising in strength, faith, hope, and love concerning God’s plan for marriage. As we enrich marriages, we strengthen families; as we strengthen families, we change lives that change communities.
The Missionary Ministry provides social and spiritual assistance to those in need of clothing, food, shelter, and support.
The Pastor’s Aide ministry aids and assist the pastor both spiritually and financially. Annually, the ministry sponsors a trip to the Meadowlands Arena for the HBCU Football Classic in September and a shopping trip to an outlet mall in November.
The Second Baptist Church Single Adult Fellowship (SAFe) Ministry provides a forum for Christian singles to focus on their place in God’s divine plan and form bonds that will strengthen and keep them throughout their walk with Christ. This is accomplished through “safe” sharing and discussions of numerous issues facing singles.
The Security Ministry provides oversight of the pastor, church facilities, entrances and exits, and suspicious activities during worship services.
The Transportation Ministry oversees and maintains the traveling schedule for church outings as well as group events.