Mary McNeill, Director
The Christian Education of Second Baptist Church provides Christian education, training, and development to all areas of the church operations, both individually and collectively.
Mary McNeill, Director
The Christian Education of Second Baptist Church provides Christian education, training, and development to all areas of the church operations, both individually and collectively.
A weekly study of the Word of God led to the continued to develop the discipleship of God’s people. This class is led by the senior pastor.
Life Changing Fellowship (formerly called Sunday School) meets each Saturday morning to provide classroom settings for Christian education and training.
The Love Tree partners with the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services in order to provide children and families toys, gifts, and food, culminating in a festive holiday dinner. Contributions and assistance are always welcome. Please see Ms. Doris Arnett-Gary for further information.
Love Tree 30 Years Of Ministry Celebration!!
New membership classes are provided to new members as an orientation of Second Baptist Church. We review what it means to become a part of our family!!!
A weekly program to help those would are in need of assistance with reading, math using computers and more!!
Scholarship Ministry supports the youth and the adults who are attending college education.
Vacation Bible School meets during the month of July to provide creative and innovative Christian Education techniques, learning, and training for the church and surrounding community. This forum is centered around a specified biblical theme.
A weekly study of the Word of God specific for young adults ages 18 through 32 years old. This bible study is to encourage their growth and discipleship. This class is led by the senior pastor.
Every Third Sunday the youth stand and share the Word of God from their perspective during our morning worship experience!